The cost benefits of electric cars.
Electric vehicles have long been more than just an investment in the future. Today, they already offer a wide range of benefits that become increasingly persuasive with each new model generation. An electric vehicle is more expensive to buy than a comparably-sized combustion engine vehicle. However, over its entire service life, the total cost of ownership is lower.
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The everyday benefits of electric cars.
With a BMW electric vehicle, mobility is becoming easier and easier, especially in towns and cities.
Batteries with an impressive service life.
Electric vehicle batteries have been developed with the greatest care. Their service life can be positively impacted by adapting your personal driving behaviour. Among other things, by maintaining the recommended 10-80% state of charge. Intelligent heat management adjusts the battery to the optimum operating temperature and prevents overheating.
The environmental impact of electric cars.
The benefits of regenerative braking with electric cars.
Regenerative braking is also known as recuperation or energy recovery. In this process, kinetic energy is converted into electrical energy when the vehicle brakes. The range of an electric vehicle is dependent on driving behaviour and the route profile. A further benefit is less pollution caused by brake particle abrasion.
The wide range of BMW electric car models.

Questions and answers about the benefits of electric vehicles.
All about electromobility.
[2] Range depends on various factors, in particular: individual driving style, route characteristics, outside temperature, heating/air conditioning, pre-conditioning.
[3] The charging performance depends on the state of charge, ambient temperature, individual driving profile and use of auxiliary consumers. The ranges shown are based on the WLTP best case. The charging times apply to ambient temperatures of 23 degrees Celsius after a preceding drive and may differ depending on the usage behaviour.